Our products


Finding yourself on this page means you are hesitating between the different categories of products. Or that you wish to discover our whole range! We understand. Being a 100-year-old plus confectionery company, the choice is vast! Each of our categories - dragées, chocolates, candies, organic, contains ever more delicious delicacies. Just a word of warning – one click in any category and you will understand why Confiserie Adam is one of the most appreciated candy/confectionery companies in Alsace (and elsewhere!). You will not be able to resist...

Candy and confectionery company,


As a candy and confectionery company, Confiserie Adam offers a wide range of products. Ranging from the more traditional (the dragée being the prime example) to more original products such as chocolate-coated savoury biscuits. A whole gourmet programme!
To give you our best, each range is worked upon endlessly. This includes our rigorous selection of raw materials, our traditional methods of production and our constant innovation. This is what Confiserie Adam considers to be a real candy/confectionery company. And we can of course add that production is in France, in Herrlisheim in Alsace to be more precise. And there we have all the ingredients necessary to make your decadent delicacies!
What more can we say about our products? And what if we let you have your say?
Here are, in a few words, comments received from our clients in answer to the question “What do you think about Confiserie Adam products?”
Jeanne “I’ve been coming here since I was a little girl. When I bite into a sweet / dragée, all my memories come flooding back. The taste has not changed”
Christian “It’s delicious, a pure delight to eat these delicacies. It’s a real moment of pleasure for me”
We also asked our professional clients what they thought about Confiserie Adam. Would they be prepared to recommend us as a candy/confectionery company? Here are a few of their answers:
“100% yes! We have been working with them for years. They are always very reactive and above all, our customers always come back for more!”
“Who else offers such quality, affordable products, made in France? We could not do without them!”
To make up your own mind and join, to our great pleasure, the people we have just cited, feel free to discover our categories of gourmet products. Should a product be to your liking, find it either directly on our site, or in our shop in Herrlisheim. For professionals, we are pleased to accept your order by mail or by phone.
Confiserie Adam, your candy and confectionery company since 1912.